Hamali uslugi, Moving and relocation of homes and offices

Boxes and packages of MoversBG LTD- Movers and Moving, packing our movers, transfer and transport

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 Преместване БГ - хамали и хамалски услуги

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хамалски услуги


Преместване БГ - Хамали и хамалски услуги To be transported from movers your furniture and belongings, they first need to be packaged. Proper packaging is the first condition for quality transmission of any capacity - whether in small or a big. Which package is suitable for your stuff? Movers professionals recommend as a result of its practice: local displacements best three layers boxes, while five layers are recommended for international movements or movements with a longer destination. But the strength of the box must be combined with closing ancillary role of Scotch tape. Some of the stuff can not be transported in cardboard boxes - for their size and type - for this purpose the moving packing other materials. For your convenience, "Premestvane.bg" has a full range of different types of boxes and packing materials which machine to buy without benefit hamali and Moving.
Хамали специалисти, хамалски услуги
хамали преместване

транспортни услуги от хамали
хамали и хамалски услуги, преместване на домове офиси, местене Boxes

Carton declined to materials packages, with the widespread use of the movers. Serve as a package of items and materials by closing with two bent end of the board and can be easily apart and assembling. Depending on the type of property, which is awarded to the movers to transmit and wine destination, that is, cartons are several groups:
  • Boxes of documents and books - 45x34x34 (triplastov and petplastov).
  • Boxes of belongings, small objects - 55x35x35 (triplastov and petplastov).
  • Boxes for small items - 60x40x40 (three layers, five layers)
  • Boxes of folded clothes and blankets - 70x50x40 (three layers, five layers)
  • Box of clothes with hangers. These are special order box size 50x50x120
Skrech film

Used to package soft and hard furniture, mattresses, and other equipment. Although not protect against stroke and casual wear, the specific characteristics of skrets film - a high coefficient of friction, excellent prilepchivost to the subject - carried by hamalite prevent furniture from slipping and thus prevent injury to them, while protecting them from pollution (dusting). Protect the furniture and under nevisok percentage of humidity.

Ayroplast (bubble film)

From shock and trauma and serves as wrapping breakables. It is recommended the use of bubble film in transport mirrors, glass panels and furniture independent of distance, as ayroplasta reduce the risk of damaging the fragile object. Using ayroplast appropriate and packing equipment, but more often in international relocation or removal at a distance because the local transportation cost of service increases.

Nylon bags

This is a classic bag, with a hem shaped, hard bottom and open top for large volumes and articles. Among the specific characteristics of the bags that make them suitable in Moving are high technological properties for the use of the bags under adverse conditions. Prevent not only fly off, but by moisture.

Bags sezal

These are healthy bags tehnologiyana of development which allows when a couch to tie a knot and not razplita. Selzalovite bags were calm of friction and it fit in Moving packing of different items and objects. Scotch tape / scotch / Used by hamalite for podgotovaka of cartons and load to carry. It is using broadband rolls in terms of achieving the quality of packaging, as the narrow band Scotch tape is practically efficient low cost.

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